Study Herbal Medicine with

Heartwood Education

Herbalism is in our roots!

  • Introductory and Professional level herbal medicine courses
  • Learn online: we provide a convenient, flexible and affordable way to study herbal medicine within your own home. In the Professional Herbalist Course, this is supplemented with additional in-person clinical training
  • Expert Tutors: our online herbal courses are delivered by internationally respected expert herbalists and educators, coming together in the shared endeavour of providing the best in herbal education
  • Live webinars: get to know and learn from our expert tutors in regular live webinars
  • Personal tutoring: for Professional Course students we provide personal tutoring to guide you throughout your studies
  • Interactive forums: our expert tutors answer your questions and develop your learning in these wide ranging discussions
  • Accredited Herbal Course: the Professional Course is accredited by the National Institute of Medical Herbalist (NIMH)
  • Learn for pleasure and for a new future: our courses are designed to help grow your knowledge and experience, for the pleasure of it or additionally to take you into a new profession.
Introductory Herbalist course

Foundation Course

Learn for pleasure and a stepping stone for the Professional Course

Become a Certified Proffessional in Herbalism

Professional Course

Train to become a professional herbalist

Short Courses for Herbalists

Short Courses for Professionals


Why Study with Heartwood?

Accredited Herbal Course

Accredited by the National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Our Professional Course is Accredited by the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH).

Heartwood Graduates are eligible to apply to become NIMH members.